Month: March 2023

Are you getting enough light?

By tidydave

Bit of a strange question but it might be one of the most important questions you can ask yourself. Come with me on a journey of wonder and insight as we delve into the world of light and its profound effects on your mind, body, and life around you. Information Before I tell you about…

Cold Showers – Cold Thermogenesis

By tidydave

Benefits, how it works & how to get started. Have you ever felt like you needed an iv-drip of coffee just to get going? Ever had days where the brain fog feels like a quagmire of confusion? Can’t face going out because you don’t want to feel cold? Struggled to kick the flu every year?…

3 Quick Tips For Weight Loss. Strike – Stroll – Shiver

By tidydave

Step 1: Strike Basically all that’s involved in this step is waking up and not eating anything. You can have a cup or two of coffee or green tea, they’re actually encouraged because both can help to mobilize fatty acids and spark your metabolic rate. But it has to be plain-jane coffee or tea; no…

Your Posture Affects How You Breathe & The Way You Exercise

By tidydave

Do you know about the posture-breathing-exercise relationship? Your posture affects your breathing, which affects the way you exercise, which affects your posture… Put together, breathing, posture, and exercise form a supportive trifecta that boosts your optimum health. How? Efficient breathing requires good posture, which is an excellent sign you’re also following an effective exercise program.…